Doctor Bike is our mobile mechanic service, where we bring our bike workshop to you! Our mechanics provide bike safety checks and carry out necessary basic repairs on your doorstep. Doctor Bike sessions delivered on your premises eliminates the inconvenience of taking bikes to a bike shop and ensures any urgent faults can be seen to on the spot.
Doctor Bike is a great way to promote Active Travel, reward staff for cycling to work and to encourage green and healthy travel. We can deliver a Doctor Bike session in a number of places including: workplaces, colleges, schools or community projects, to help people stay on two-wheels.
1/2 Day Doctor Bike | £170 |
Full Day Doctor Bike | £290 |
Price includes 2 mechanics and basic spare parts for repairs.
**If only 1 mechanic is required, the cost is £90 for a half day and £180 for a full day**
-Tell us your preferred date and location by email or phone;
-We can accommodate most requests, including evenings and weekends;
-Bookings should ideally, be made a minimum of 3 weeks in advance | 07396658501